Should You Ever Represent Yourself in an Personal Injury Case?

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Written By SamiUllah

There are hundreds of thousands of accidents in this country every year. A majority of accidents are fender-benders, ie., low grade accidents where there is minor damage to the vehicle. But, there are thousands of severe accidents every year too. These accidents can result in serious bodily injury, affecting a person’s quality of life. 

For any accident where there is serious bodily harm, an injury attorney should be consulted. This is because they will know the true value of your case. Not only that, they will know how to build the best case which will result in your receiving the best compensation. 

The option exists for a person to represent themselves in a lawsuit but this is highly inadvisable. The insurance companies and opposing attorneys will try every trick in the book to get you to settle for cheap. According to an injury lawyer in Melbourne, FL. too many people try to attempt to handle their case themselves. Only after they realize they are in over their head do they finally consult an attorney. In reality, it is better to consult an attorney right from the start. 

Another tactic the opposing attorneys will try is to string the case out as long as possible. If you have an attorney in your employ, they will know that they cannot push you around. Lawyers know lawyer tactics and how to defeat them. The thinking from the opposition is that the longer they can make you wait the more likely they are to wear you down and settle. 

Contact a local attorney that has a positive reputation to handle your case. They most likely will offer to take your case on a commission basis. That way, they only profit if you win your case. The fee they charge can be between 25%-40%. 

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