Write For Us

Thank you for showing interest in collaborating and writing for us at GuidingHow. We look forward to having you join our growing list of guest writers because we believe your experience and perspective can help make a positive difference in so many lives.

Are you willing to write for us?

We at guidinghow.com welcome contributions from journalists, writers, and academics from all over the world.

If you like what we do and think that you can contribute more to the platform by adding a few pieces of information, then feel free to become a contributor for us today!

When you write a guest post, there are a few things you’ll be able to do too:

  • Be knowledgeable and share your intelligence with our readers.
  • Write about how you want to influence the reader with your message.
  • Inspire entrepreneurs to build businesses where their values become reality.

What are we looking for?

We look for public stories related to technology, business, marketing, cleaning, gaming, home improvement, login (related to the website core topics), and how-to (related to the website core topics). The content aims to connect provocative thinkers—scholars, polemicists, and essayists—to a wider audience.

What sort of stories do we publish? 

We publish content with a strong connection to our core topics: technology, business, marketing, cleaning, home improvement, login (related to the website core topics), and how to (related to the website core topics). We publish listicles, long articles, and short stories. The normal guest article/story word count is between 700 and 2500 words.

What do we not publish?

We do not publish casino, gambling, adult, CBD, or crypto-related content. The content should not have an aggressive tone unless paired with substantial original reporting. No celebrity interviews, individual movies, or music. The content must have something new to reveal, either in terms of fact or argument; otherwise, it will be rejected.

What does your editing process look like?

If the content fulfills our terms and conditions, then we approve it on the first go. Otherwise, each story receives multiple rounds of edits. We will ask you to make changes until it meets our requirements and is suitable for our audience. If you are ready to follow all our guidelines and requirements, feel free to email us at [email protected].